Tabula paginarum


The shortcodes for Wmk Story take a single argument, info, which may be specified directly as a Python dict or as the name of a YAML file containing a representation of that dict.

There are five shortcodes corresponding to each of the section types in the original Story template:

  • banner, generally used at the top of the page for a hero-like effect.
  • spotlight, which is similar to banner but smaller and intended for use anywhere on the page.
  • gallery, a gallery of clickable thumbnail images.
  • items, a grid of short items.
  • simple, generic content of a mainly textual nature.


The banner shortcode expects the following keys in info:

  • title, required.
  • image, required.
  • subtitle.
  • content.
  • button (a dict with the keys label and link, and optionally class).
  • style (a string or dict - see below).

If style is a string, it contains the css classes characterizing the banner instance, e.g. style3 orient-left content-align-left image-position-center fullscreen onload-image-fade-in onload-content-fade-right.

If it is a dict, it describes the wished-for characteristics which then are transformed into a css class string by the shortcode, e.g.

{'subtype': 'circle',
 'orient': 'left',
 'align': 'left',
 'imgpos': 'center',
 'fullscreen': True,
 'onload': ['img-fadein', 'faderight']}

When style is specified as a dict, the following keys and values are supported for banner:

  • subtype: split (default), boxed, circle, phone or ontop.
  • fullscreen: True or False (default).
  • orient: left (default) or right.
  • align: left (default), right or center.
  • imgpos: left, right (default) or center.
  • onload: At most one of fadein, fadeup, fadedown, fadeleft or faderight, and at most one of img-fadein, img-fadeup, img-fadedown, img-fadeleft, img-faderight. Default: none.
  • onscroll: At most one of fadein, fadeup, fadedown, fadeleft or faderight, and at most one of img-fadein, img-fadeup, img-fadedown, img-fadeleft, img-faderight. Default: none.
  • color: none (default), invert, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 or 7.


The spotlight shortcode is similar to banner and mostly has the same arguments.

The style keys supported are also the same, with the following exceptions:

  • There is an additional key, halfscreen, which is False by default.
  • The default subtype is circle, not split.
  • The default onscroll is img-fadein.
  • The default imgpos is center.


The gallery shortcode expects the following keys in info:

  • title, optional.
  • intro, optional.
  • images, required. This is a list of dicts with the keys img (required), thumb, title, caption and button_text.
  • wrapper_style: Styling for the wrapper, see the simple shortcode for options.
  • gallery_style: Styling for the gallery itself; string or dict.

If gallery_style is specified as a dict, it supports the following keys and values:

  • subtype: grid (default) or carousel.
  • size: small, medium (default) or big.
  • lightbox: True (default) or False.
  • fadein: none, onload or onscroll (default).


The items shortcode expects the following keys in info:

  • title, optional
  • intro, optional,
  • items, a list of items (required). Each item may be either a string or a dict containing the keys fa_icon, title and text. The fa_icon represents a Fontawesome icon; it is a dict with the keys name and solid (a boolean, default False).
  • wrapper_style: Styling for the wrapper, see the simple shortcode for options.
  • items_style: Styling for the items container and items.

If items_style is specified as a dict, it may contain the following keys:

  • subtype: bordered (default), boxed or bare.
  • size: small, medium (default) or big.
  • fadein: none, onload or onscroll (default).


The simple shortcode expects the following keys in info:

  • title, required.
  • subtitle
  • content, required.
  • style: string or dict.

It accepts an extra optional argument in addition to info, namely heading_tag, which by default is h1.

If style is specified as a dict, it makes use of the following keys:

  • subtype: none, padded (default) or framed.
  • align: left (default), right or center.
  • invert: True or False (default).
  • index: True or False (default).
  • color: none (default), 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, or 7.